
About the Database of Obituaries

This database lists obituaries of Fellows, Associates and Honorary Members of the RAS from the 1820s onwards. The obituaries were published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), Memoirs of the RAS, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society (QJRAS) and Astronomy and Geophysics (A&G). Links to obituaries published elsewhere are also provided where possible (for an explanatory list of abbreviated journal titles, see here). This listing of the historical membership of the Royal Astronomical Society was originally compiled by Anthony J. Kinder, and digitised in 2008 by Ian Ridpath.

This resource has made use of the Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

NameBornDiedElectedMembership status
Anne SheepshanksHonorary Fellow
Rev. Richard SheepshanksFellow
Rev. Alfred John Parkman ShepherdFellow
R Adm. William Henry ShirreffFellow
Iosif Samuilovich ShklovskiiAssociate
M-Gen. Robert ShortredeFellow
M-Gen. Henry ShrapnelFellow
William Leslie Hazelwood ShuterFellow
Joseph SidebothamFellow
Rev. Walter SidgreavesFellow
John Benson SidgwickFellow
Rev. Frederick SilverFellow
Frederick Walter SimmsFellow
James SimmsFellow
William SimmsFellow
William SimmsFellow
Alan James SkinnerFellow
Christopher John SkinnerFellow
John Samuel SlaterFellow
Cmdr. Michael Atwell SlaterFellow
Noel Bryan SlaterFellow
Rev. John SlatterFellow
Louis Byrne SlichterFellow
Frederick SlocumFellow
William SmalleyFellow
David SmartFellow
William Marshall SmartFellow
Rev. Maurice Allen SmeltFellow
Charles Hugh SmileyFellow
Alfred Fish SmithFellow
Charles Frederick Ortmann SmithFellow
Charles Michie SmithFellow
David SmithFellow
Harlan James SmithFellow
Henry John Stephen SmithFellow
John Peter George SmithFellow
Keith Colin SmithFellow
Rev. William SmithFellow
William Arthur SmithFellow
Sir Charles Piazzi SmythFellow
Adm. William Henry SmythFellow
Edward Williams SnellFellow
Monroe B. SnyderFellow
Johann Georg von SoldnerAssociate
Mary Somerville [née Fairfax, other married name Greig]Honorary Fellow
Duncan McLaren Young SommervilleFellow
Cyrille Joseph SouillartAssociate
Sir James SouthFellow
Rev. Thomas Allen SouthwoodFellow
Rev. John SpenceFellow
Hyman Solomon SpiglFellow
Dr Edmund Johnson SpittaFellow
Lyman, Jr. SpitzerFellow, later Associate
Henry John SpoonerFellow
Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav SpörerAssociate
William SpottiswoodeFellow
Lieut. St Andrew St. JohnFellow
Charles Edward St. JohnFellow, later Associate
Col. Sir Walter Thomas William Spencer StanhopeFellow
John StanistreetFellow
Capt. Owen StanleyFellow
William Ford Robinson StanleyFellow
William Herbert SteavensonFellow
Capt. John SteeleFellow
Robert StephensonFellow
Phillip D. SternFellow
Bohumil SternberkAssociate
Harlan True StetsonFellow
Charles StevensFellow
Robert StevensonFellow
Balfour StewartFellow
Charles StewartFellow
Robert Meldrum StewartFellow
Rev. Walter Edward StewartFellow
Douglas Walter Noble StibbsFellow
Arthur Grant StillhamerFellow
Capt. Pringle StokesFellow
Walter Robert StokesFellow
Edward James StoneFellow
Sir John Benjamin StoneFellow
Robert StoneleyFellow
George Johnstone StoneyFellow
Edwin StoryFellow
Col. George StrahanFellow
Lt-Col. Alexander StrangeFellow
Capt. William Samuel StratfordFellow
Frederick John Marrian StrattonFellow
Rev. George StreetFellow
Svante Elis StrömgrenAssociate
Rev. Charles StrongFellow
Paul Henri StroobantAssociate
Baron Robert John Strutt (Rayleigh)Fellow
Baron John William Strutt (Rayleigh)Fellow
Friedrich Georg Wilhelm StruveAssociate
Karl Hermann StruveAssociate
Otto StruveFellow, later Associate
Otto Wilhelm StruveAssociate
Mqs John Crichton Stuart (Bute)Fellow
Rev. Edward John StutterFellow
Duke Augustus Frederick SussexFellow