
About the Database of Obituaries

This database lists obituaries of Fellows, Associates and Honorary Members of the RAS from the 1820s onwards. The obituaries were published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), Memoirs of the RAS, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society (QJRAS) and Astronomy and Geophysics (A&G). Links to obituaries published elsewhere are also provided where possible (for an explanatory list of abbreviated journal titles, see here). This listing of the historical membership of the Royal Astronomical Society was originally compiled by Anthony J. Kinder, and digitised in 2008 by Ian Ridpath.

This resource has made use of the Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

NameBornDiedElectedMembership status
Wadham Locke SuttonFellow
Lorna Mary SwainFellow
Ambrose SwaseyFellow
Peter Alan SweetFellow
Lewis SwiftFellow
Polydore (Pol) Félix Ferdinand SwingsFellow, later Associate
Bruce SwinyardFellow
Lady Bertha Swirles JeffreysFellow
Leonard Stanley Theodore SymmsFellow
Pietro TacchiniAssociate
William Henry Fox TalbotFellow
Charles George TalmageFellow
Henry William LLoyd TannerFellow
Rev. William Morgan Tate-StoateFellow
John TatlockFellow
Roger John TaylerFellow
Abraham Barsley TaylorFellow
George Augustine TaylorFellow
Harry TaylorFellow
Henry Martyn TaylorFellow
Richard TaylorFellow
Thomas TaylorFellow
Thomas Glanville TaylorFellow
Fred TaylorFellow
Basil Reginald Hamilton Taylour (Taylor)Fellow
Washington TeasdaleFellow
John TebbuttFellow
Thomas TelfordFellow
Stefan TemesváryFellow
Ernst Wilhelm Leberecht TempelAssociate
L-Gen. James Francis TennantFellow
François Joseph Charles TerbyFellow
Rev. Thomas Robert TerryFellow
Andrew David ThackerayFellow, later Associate
William Grasett ThackerayFellow
Henry Ivison Shipley ThirlawayFellow
Alexander ThomFellow
John Macon ThomeAssociate
Roland Dale ThompsonFellow
Silvanus Phillips ThompsonFellow
Michael J ThompsonHonorary Fellow
Lt.-Col. Edgar Hynes ThompsonFellow
Bt Henry ThompsonFellow
Peter ThompsonFellow
Harold ThomsonFellow
Bn Sir William Thomson (Kelvin)Fellow
William Henry E. ThornthwaiteFellow
Thomas ThorpFellow
William John ThorrowgoodFellow
Christopher ThwaitesFellow
John Lewis(Johann Ludwig) TiarksFellow
Friedrich TietjenAssociate
Ernest TillotsonFellow
Sir Nicholas Conyngham TindalFellow
Archibald William Tindall-LucasFellow
William Harold TingeyFellow
Beatrice Muriel Hill TinsleyFellow
François Félix TisserandAssociate
Sir Charles ToddFellow
Isaac TodhunterFellow
Samuel TolanskyFellow
Herbert Gerard TomkinsFellow
William TomlinsonFellow
William, Jr TomlinsonFellow
Rev. Francis Anthony TondorfFellow
Patrick Joseph TreanorFellow
John Frederic(k) TrechselAssociate
Charles TrépiedAssociate
Julien John Stanislous TripplinFellow
Donald F. TrombinoFellow
Edward TroughtonFellow
Jaakko Vilhelmi TuominenFellow
Lt Col. George Lyon TupmanFellow
Joseph Bernard Godsell TurnerFellow
Thomas TurnerFellow
Herbert Hall TurnerFellow
Rev. Charles TurnorFellow
Richard Quentin TwissFellow
Edward TyerFellow
Anne Barbara UnderhillFellow
Albrecht Otto Johannes UnsöldAssociate
Harold Clayton UreyAssociate
Daniel Alberto ValencioAssociate
Georges Achille Van BiesbroeckFellow
Adriaan van MaanenFellow
Samuel VeeversFellow
Antonio Vela-HerranzFellow
Rev. George VenablesFellow
Felix Andries Vening MeineszAssociate
Jean (John) VerhoogenFellow
George Venables VernonFellow
Julien VertuFellow
Charles Blacker VignolesFellow
Antoine François Joseph Yvon VillarceauAssociate
Josias Edward de VilliersFellow
William Reynolds VinesFellow
Gen. Ferdinando ViscontiAssociate
Hermann Carl VogelAssociate
Joan George Erardus Gijsbertus VoûteFellow
Rev. Athanasius Francis Diedrich WackerbarthFellow