National Astronomy Meeting 12-17 July 2020: save the date!

University of Bath
University of Bath
University of Bath

In celebration of the 200 years since its foundation, the Royal Astronomical Society will hold its 2020 National Astronomy Meeting (NAM 2020) in the city of Bath. The Society’s founding president Sir William Herschel and his sister Caroline lived in the city in the late 18th century, carrying out work in astronomy that led to discoveries including the planet Uranus, numerous comets and nebulae, and infrared light.

NAM 2020 will see astronomers, space scientists and geophysicists gather at the University of Bath from 12 – 17 July for the UK’s largest annual astronomy and space science event. Leading scientists from around the world will present frontier research, and the conference will mark the Society’s anniversary with a wide programme of public engagement events.

The UK and global astronomy and geophysics communities are warmly invited to attend this special event. In the next few weeks proposals will open for scientific sessions, and applications across the widest possible range of topics are encouraged to showcase research across the different fields.

The University of Bath is a thriving campus for science, engineering, technology and innovation. One of the UK's leading universities both in terms of research and reputation for excellence in teaching, learning and graduate prospects, the University is looking forward to welcoming the astronomy, astrophysics, space, solar and terrestrial science communities to a celebration of cutting-edge discoveries and a look to the future.

Do please make a note of the dates of this very special event. In the meantime details of the conference will be added to the NAM home page.

Submitted by Robert Massey on