RAS thanks GJI Outstanding Reviewers 2018

The RAS expresses its thanks to eleven reviewers recognised by the editorial board of Geophysical Journal International, its leading academic journal in the field of geophysics.


The editorial board wishes to acknowledge the outstanding work performed by the following reviewers, each providing a large number of considerate and in depth reviews throughout 2018:

Brad Aagaard
Alexandra Abrajevitch
David Al-Attar
Domenico Di Giacomo
Hans-Jürgen Götze
Mike Jackson
Anne Obermann
Emile Okal
Piero Poli
Takeshi Sagiya 
Jian-guo Zhao


The editorial board would also like to include in their wholehearted thanks the many more who also put a lot of work into the peer-review system, on which the quality and reputation of the RAS journals heavily depend. 


Submitted by Pam Rowden on