Burlington House


Burlington House

The RAS and the Government ( ODPM) exchanged leases on July 8 thus bringing the protracted negotiations over the Society's occupancy of Burlington House to a successful conclusion

Together with the other Learned Societies, which have been in the courtyard of Burlington House since 1874, the RAS, for the past decade, has defended its right to enjoy occupancy of the buildings which were designed to its specification in the middle of Queen Victoria's reign. Following a hearing in the High Court of Justice and subsequent mediation,the Learned Societies and the ODPM have agreed leases which provide an acceptable level of security of tenure in return for an acceptable rent and service charge. In addition, as visitors to Burlington House will have seen, the ODPM is currently engaged in a major programme of works to clean and repair the fabric of this important Grade 2* listed building. The Council of the RAS, later in July, will consider proposals from its architects to adapt the premises to meet the needs of the Society in the 21st century, whilst, of course, conserving their historical character.
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