LGBTSTEM DAY - 5 July 2018

Pride in STEM, House of STEM, and InterEngineering are proud to announce the launch of the first ever International Day of LGBT+ people in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths, called LGBTSTEM Day, to be celebrated on 5 July 2018.

The purpose of LGBTSTEM Day is to improve the visibility and representation of LGBT+ people in STEM, help them access and share resources, and build a stronger LGBT+ community.

The LGBT+ Physical Sciences Network, formed in 2016 by the Royal Astronomical Society and the Institute of Physics, support LGBTSTEM Day and will contribute to the event in a number of ways.

The LGBT+ Physics Sciences Network, with the Royal Astronomical Society, believe that professional membership organisations can offer support and experiences of current good practice with regard to successful LGBT+ networks in places of work and study. Facilitating and helping to connect the LGBT+ physical sciences community is an important step in this process and we believe that LGBTSTEM Day will enable this.


How to get involved

There’s no such thing as too small a gesture to promote and support LGBT+ people in STEM. You can start by following and contributing to the #LGBTSTEMday hashtag on social media — share stories, images and videos of yourself or your role models — and help boost the visibility of other LGBT+ people in science, tech, engineering, and maths. Make sure you tag in @RAS_outreach and @IOPDiversity to connect with the LGBT+ Physical Sciences Network.

If you or your organisation want to get involved, please download our LGBTSTEM Day Toolkit or get in touch via email or on social media.


Pride in STEM is a UK-based charitable trust working to promote and support LGBT+ people working in STEM.


House of STEM is an Irish-based Network dedicated to connecting and supporting LGBTQ+ scientists in the Republic of Ireland.


InterEngineering is an organisation dedicated to connecting, informing and empowering LGBT+ engineers and supporters.


Submitted by Pam Rowden on